Wednesday, February 23, 2011

the humbling effect

Today I reflected on riding over winter break. I am not sure how this popped into my head but I was thinking about the last time I fell off. I have always said that just when you think you are making improvements in your riding, you end up in the dirt. I call this the humbling effect. 
It was a typical morning 8am and I am warming up my horse Charly in the ring for my 8:30 jumping lesson. My coach and I had discussed the day before how we were going to "school" Charly (aka jump big jumps). I was feeling confident as I began to warm up, mistake number 1. Charly came out of his stall moving forward and feeling good. I routinely crossed the center of the ring and conveniently a patch of snow fell of the roof causing Charly to stop dead in his tracks, drop his shoulder and bolt in the other direction. I, in my mind, "gracefully" summersaulted over his ears and into the dirt. Once Charly realized what had transpired he gave me an all to knowing look of "oh well, you deserved it" I couldn't help but let out a laugh. 


  1. I love the look on their faces when you fall down :) It always makes me feel at least a little better haha :)

  2. I love that you all "got" the psyche of the horse.
