My alarm goes off. I must be crazy. Didn't I go to sleep four hours ago? Yep. I drag myself out of bed and pull on my breeches. Off to the barn. On my way out the door my roommate groans and says, "Where are you going? You don't have class today." I tell her I am off to ride my horse, Charly, and she laughs, "You're crazy" is all she could murmur before rolling over and going back to sleep. Being the Equestrian that I am, leads to a different college experience.
From the age of four when I started riding I realized that another creature depended on me. Locked in a twelve by twelve stall, Charly anxiously awaits for my arrival everyday. Without my care he would not be fed, watered or exercised. I quickly learned responsibility faster than any lesson my parents could have taught me (sorry mom and dad). I always new that I had acquired certain character traits such as responsibility, hard work and dedication but it became even more clear this past semester when I left home for college.
My peers and I have been left to our own devices as we develop and define ourselves as individuals and young adults. I don't mean to elude to the impression that I am missing out on the "college experience" by not socializing but I have chosen to do this with my own typical spin on things. Last night I had a great time at a party with my friends and didn't get home until three thirty in the morning. However, that does not prevent me from waking up the next morning and pursuing my passion and commitment. As my mom always says, "work hard, party hard, give everything your all." So what I am getting at today is it doesn't matter what your passion is as long as you have the drive and pursuit for excellence. For in that pursuit you will be rewarded with the greatest lessons.
True Statement. Nothing wrong with having some fun as long as your focused on the ultimate goal. It's hard to find a balance at times though; at least, that's what I find for myself.